Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear God

  Last Night, I watched a movie with my girlfriend entitled "Letters to God ". While the acting may have left something to be desired, the point came across very clear. It's the story of a very real little boy, Tyler Doherty, who managed to look past his own terminal illness and pray for those around him. Tyler did this by posting (US mail of course) letters to GOD.

  As simple as it may have been, this movie started me thinking. Over and over, the scripture from John 15:13  began running through my mind: "Greater love has no man than this, that a man  Lay Down His Life for his friends." Many of us firefighters are already familiar with this scripture, and for obvious reasons...  Most of us are keenly aware that we may wake up one morning, put on that uniform... and be asked to make that exact sacrifice.  As firefighters, we have always defined our Hero's in terms of men unafraid to "face death", and that it is as it should be. I am well aware that we must be fully committed to the "so others may live" traditions that define us, and our roles in the fire service. It is who we are... It is what we do.

  But as I pondered these things in my heart the other night,.. I became aware that what impressed me most about Tyler wasn't his lack of fear at dying. It was his concern for the people around him, in the face of insurmountable issues: wanting to make sure a boy who picked on his condition knew he forgave him.. wanting desperately to play soccer one more time... It wasn't that Tyler wasn't afraid to die... It was that Tyler wasn't afraid to live.

  If we're honest with each other, then most of us would willingly face death under the right conditions, even if your NOT a fireman. Think: If someone was threatening your child or loved one? If you saw a helpless child in the roadway and could hear the screaming brake... Would you hesitate?  Probably NOT. Even if it cost you your life, dying then, is not that difficult of a premise to come to terms with. 

  But Living unafraid? That is an altogether different scenario. A thousand little concerns, worries about tomorrow.. let's call them what they are... Fears... constantly pulling at each of us. If we are not careful, their pull will drag behind us, slowly imperceptibly at first.. altering our course. To live without fear is something we are ordered to do as Christians (Matt. 10:31,Luke 12:32, Romans 8:15, 2 Tim. 1:7 ) yet it is difficult to put into practice.

  As I considered the movie again and the scripture, I began to wonder: "Lay down his life..".  Does that mean "to die"? Or could there possibly be something more to it?  Could it mean loving someone so much that you will lay down your life, your wants, your concerns, your fears, and live for them ?

Dear GOD,

  I thank you for who you are, how powerful and merciful. I'm aware that I have no right to approach your throne, and ask you anything... it is only your grace that makes room for me here.
  Thank you for always being there, for never walking away, .. even when I have let our relationship take second place to other things in my life.
   You know where I am now Lord,.. This place where I am worried about so many things, where fear of the unknown, and uncertainty about the path ahead has made me edgy and forgetful of my promise. Help me to be an example to those around me, to lay aside the fear, and lay down my life for you.



  1. WOW! How powerful. Thanks for sharing Phillip. You give us all something to really think about.

    Joanie Richards

  2. Thanks Joanie! Appreciate all you are doing for us, The prayers especially!
